Why does the magician’s assistant always look good in a bikini?

I must be a crazy person.
Since the Malaysian airlines flight crashed in “Russian occupied” Ukraine the newspapers and news are covered in headlines such as:
“Putin’s victims” with accompanying photos of every victim.
“Putin Killed my son!” A fathers accusation stands large on the cover.
“Cover up: Russian rebels destroy MH17 evidence”
“Putin’s Missile!”

From the moment the plane went down the media have been there, from the moment it went down, to tell us who was responsible, put faces to names, provide us with interviews with grieving relatives and above all make us realize that the economic sanctions that The United States is pushing for and the lesser,  termed by the Americans as “insufficient”, sanctions that the Europeans are seeking to impose are needed. “Necessary”.
We must immediately  sanction Russia, its leader is a monster and they’re a danger to the world.

For those of us with an eye on history, economics, debt holdings of major economies and a healthy dose of skepticism this was not good. Who the hell loses their family in a tragic incident and just can’t wait to give interviews to the media?
What came next was ridiculous.
Regular readers will know that I suggested the whole thing could be a “redflag” operation. For anyone who’s familiar with the latest re-imagination of Sherlock Holmes, the one starring the rather fine Benedict “Cumberbund”, there is an episode involving a plane full of corpses and operation “Coventry”, I found it quite easy to picture such a scenario having happened in this instance.
It would appear that the Russians are also into their BBC series, I’m guessing they’ve got iPlayer, because they too have seen this episode!
The Russian rebel Commander, clearly a mental and clearly a plagiarist unable to come up with his own story, claimed that the bodies they were recovering had been drained of blood and reeked of decomposition meaning they had been dead for three or four days.
What a loon!
Fortunately the British press, in the main, did the sensible thing and didn’t publish much of these sensationalist claims, gave this madman and his mental health issues a wide birth.

Good Chaps… must keep the people informed with the right news, you know. Make sure they come to the correct conclusions.

Next thing you know the drunken and imaginative psychopaths will be claiming that the bodies they put on the train to ship back are not the same ones we’ll be taking off!
Finally, when  chutzpah reaches epic proportions and this lunacy is at the peak of its power one of them will be heard claiming that the plane that crashed was MH370 and not MH17 at all.
He’ll claim that it was the Malaysian airliner that completely vanished and has never been seen or heard from despite extensive searches and of course the almost complete coverage of the globe by satellite cameras and tracking systems. Someone’s blatantly been at his subordinates vodka rations and anyway, the rebels are tampering with the evidence to remove evidence of their complicity and probably they’ll decide to make it look like it wasn’t MH17 at all. I expect we’ll read about it in the news.

The fact that substantial portions of American debt is held by Russia, China and the Middle East and that Europe buys its gas from Russia and our account balance is, to say the least, worryingly high are totally irrelevant pieces of information.
The Russians are committing atrocities, they’re monsters, their leader is a violent, immoral dictator ruling with an iron fist and we need to take action now. That action should be nothing less than they deserve and so we should definitely stop paying our bills, freeze the accounts and assets of some of Russia’s richest men and stop the general populace of the west from buying Russian products in order to stop bolstering their economy.
We must, through sanction, isolate Russia and bring the economy, the people and thus the leaders to their knees.

“That’ll learn ‘em!” says Dave from South London, Sun reader, on the sanctions.

I wonder how long it will be before the bullets start flying?

Why is it that I look at the world in this way?  I have a little cautionary piece of history to explain:
The Greeks swore the Turks shot first;
The Turks swore blind that the Greeks shot first;
That an Italian Captain obeyed his orders and shot first didn’t matter to the dead and dying as Smyrna burnt to the ground.
The Greeks still blame the Turks.
The Turks still blame the Greeks.
Only academics care about the truth.

The golden orb in the scepter of multicultural harmony that Smyrna represented was wiped from the face of the earth and her like has never been seen since.
Her inhabitants?
Those who hadn’t already fled were killed or driven into the sea whilst Allied boats sat offshore under orders to refuse aid and not to pick up those who were lucky enough to not drown immediately.
The number of survivors of this once great city were immeasurably few.
Each nation involved had its own agenda, its own plan and acted according, not to morality, humanity or compassion, but, solely in its own interest and when one party exploited the tensions between two ancient enemies, lit the fuse on the powder keg without care or concern for those who perished as a result, the rest of those on the periphery stood by and watched.
Do we honestly believe we are any less susceptible to manipulation, any wiser to propaganda or cleverer than our predecessors?
Our predecessors who weren’t blinded by celebrity flotsam and jetsam, who were engaged in the political process and yet, time and time again, were hoodwinked into “ righteous” wars.

I try to remember my childhood and how convinced I was that the cold war was perpetuated by the Russians continual and unrelenting addition to their already mammoth stockpile of world ending nuclear weapons.
I recall how shocked I was to discover the Russians had repeatedly proposed complete nuclear disarmament only to be rebuffed by successive American presidents and that the number of warheads they held never amounted to more than 40% of those held by the Americans… until now. Now the Russians have up to 12,000 warheads stockpiled, some ready, some decommissioned, but, probably, able to be made serviceable.  The Americans have, it is estimated, 2150 warheads, all of which are ready and waiting, properly maintained and in good working order.
Will we see the beginning of a new arms race?
Will we again be taught to duck and cover and talk of 3 minute warnings?

The good news for me is that I am ineligible for service. I can’t be called up to serve. I’m close enough to the last man on their list to be certain I won’t be sent to hold the line whilst the drones fly overhead engaging the million man army that we bait into becoming our enemy.
I only hope your friends, family, husbands, sons and fathers can say the same.

One other thing about MH17…

Nearly 500 residents of Gaza have died during the “current hostilities”, the majority of whom were innocent civilians.
The Israeli death toll stands at 18 soldiers and 2 civilians.
The media would still like you to believe this is something resembling a fair fight.
In one incident 7 soldiers were killed in the same vehicle and owing to additional casualties sustained during some fierce “battling” the total Israeli death toll for that day was 11 soldiers.
This was the single highest Israeli daily death toll since 2006 and Israel is not used to suffering such high losses.
That very same day more than 100 residents of Gaza died.
This wasn’t a record of any sort for Palestine.
When the death toll of one side so heavily outstrips the other and when the majority of those deaths are civilian, non-combatants, it is not called a war; It’s called genocide.
A slow, insidious genocide.

Are you paying attention to it or are you looking at the faces of dead innocent tourists and wondering what Putin will do next?